Racism and Renewing Our Society
The Jesuit charism is to be Contemplatives in Action. Please read our statement as we hope to encourage the reader towards both contemplation and action.
Motivated by the integration of faith and justice, our programs and retreats offer formation and renewal to youth and adults, strengthen families, and build community in the Ignatian tradition.
Fr. Dave's Notes
This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Ps 118.24
Lent has come and gone. We prepared ourselves through Lenten practices. Holy Week has come and gone.
We accompanied Jesus in his Passion and terrible death. We pondered the mystery, we did the work.
Now we celebrate the Resurrection, the crowning moment in human history when the God of the living,
our God, raises his Christ from the dead and casts his Circle of Compassion
around all the universe and all it contains.
It is thus that God invites us all into his Circle of Kinship. We are all family in Christ.
All are included in God’s Circle of Compassion. No one is excluded. Nothing is excluded.
We celebrate this: that salvation is for all and is so strong that it will gather up
even the entire physical world in its embrace.
Let all speakers of Greek proclaim: “Christos Anéste!”
Let all French speakers proclaim: “Joyeuses Paques!”
Let all who speak Spanish proclaim: “Resucitó!”
Let us all proclaim: “He has risen!”
A Blessed and Joyful Easter to all!