What's Going on at Casa?
Amar y Servir
A new spirituality offering at Casa Romero is called Amar y Servir (To Love and to Serve). Amar y Servir is a short version of St. Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises, designed for people who cannot make a long retreat but are desirous of a more profound relationship with God. Ideally, Amar y Servir is used during Lent, where the six sessions of prayer and sharing take place once a week during the six weeks of Lent. Casa’s Guisela Dominguez has been leading three groups, one in person and two virtually. Participants are deeply moved by their new-found experience of God's love for them.

Volunteer Cooks Needed!!
You can help us bring back the warm, welcoming, pre-Covid atmosphere of Casa by serving as a volunteer cook for any of our Saturday Quinceañera retreats for moms and daughters. We provide all the food. A team of 3-4 would be perfect. The time commitment is roughly 10AM – 2 PM.
If you are interested in being put on our list to receive the open dates, please call and leave a message at 414.224.7564 or email kvega@casaromerocenter.org for more information.

Art and Activism Retreats
Recently, St. Anthony High School juniors and seniors participated in an Art & Activism Retreat, led by Casa’s Arts Program Director Sophie Rodriguez. Students had deep discussions about how art and activism are linked. They thought critically about what ideas they’ve internalized about themselves and their communities, and proceeded to conceptualize, design, and paint murals to be displayed at St. Anthony High School.
The murals they created unintentionally followed a common theme of duality: some highlight the realities of harmful gender roles for men and women, some highlight the difference between the western perspective and the Indigenous American perspective on death, and some comment on the duality of being a Mexican-American, with feelings of not “being from here and not being from there.” The students learned about art as not only a means to express themselves and cope throughout hardship, but also as a way to connect with their community, highlight important societal issues, and make positive change.
We’d like to thank the sponsors of the Art and Activism Program for supporting a program that promotes such growth and reflection in our young community leaders. Our sponsors include: MKE REC: MPS Partnership for the Arts & Humanities, The Greater Milwaukee Foundation: Mary L. Nohl Fund, and Bader Philanthropies.

Casa Receives Catholic Community Foundation Grant
The Catholic Community Foundation has been a faithful sponsor of Casa Romero’s mission for many years and we are honored that they have awarded us with a $10,000 grant this year. The funds will support our work with immigrant mothers, offering them tools to navigate this new culture, helping them claim the goodness of their identities and empowering them to remain leaders of their families.