What's Going on at Casa?
Urban Plunges have Returned!
After a long pandemic-related pause, schools have once again started sending students to Casa Romero for a concentrated experience of walking with people who are oppressed, learning to analyze societal structures, and prayerfully considering how we are called to respond. Loyola Academy in Wilmette and Creighton University have been the first to return. Five more week-long retreats are scheduled through June.
Pictured: Loyola Academy Urban Plungers learn and help at a community garden.
Building Updates
Our 1888 building never goes too long without needing some attention. One of our boilers failed in the Spring and supply chain problems delayed replacement, but the new one was in place just in time. More planned was an update to our bedrooms in time for the return of our Urban Plunge retreats. Some new beds, flooring and paint all say, "welcome!" to our guests.
Pictured: Carlos Beltran, usually busy running our youth retreats, showed his carpentry skills by laying the new bedroom floor.
Students and staff from Cardinal Stritch University came to learn about Casa and repaint the cabinets in our front sala.
A "Normal" Summer and Grand Celebration
Casa had a full summer of camps, retreats and programs - for the first time since before the pandemic. A proper celebration with participants and families was held with food, music and plenty of joy.
Pictured: Casa's Comunidad de Amigos animated the closing celebration. High School participants describe their summer projects.
Volunteer Cooks Needed!!
As in-person retreats resume, we want to return to offering the personal hospitality for which we are known – creating a space where people feel welcomed and valued. A “home-cooked” meal is part of our tradition. Please consider helping to prepare a simple noon meal at Casa Romero on a Saturday for one of our Quinceanara (family retreats) for about 20 retreatants. We provide everything you need. All you bring is a joyful spirit and about 3 hours of your time. Call Karen Vega at 414.224.7564 or email kvega@casaromerocenter.org for more info.
We especially are in need of volunteer cooks on the following dates:
Saturday, November 19, 2022 - 10am-1:30pm.
Saturday, December 3, 2022 - 10am-1:30pm.