Racism and Renewing Our Society
The Jesuit charism is to be Contemplatives in Action. Please read our statement as we hope to encourage the reader towards both contemplation and action.
Motivated by the integration of faith and justice, our programs and retreats offer formation and renewal to youth and adults, strengthen families, and build community in the Ignatian tradition.
We have need throughout the year for volunteers to help out in these and other areas:
Meal Ministry – We provide the food and beverages for a simple spaghetti lunch. Your group of three or four (a family, scout troop, other group) prepares and serves a Saturday lunch for a retreat group – about a three hour project from beginning to end.
Ministry of Gardening – Casa Romero has a lovely Meditation Garden at the rear of the house. Various small groups have helped us in the past with springtime preparation and/or fall cleanup.
Ministry of Maintenance
Special Events
The ability to communicate in Spanish is NOT needed for most volunteer opportunities. For more information call Casa Romero at 414-224-7564 or email us at info@casaromerocenter.org