Racism and Renewing Our Society
The Jesuit charism is to be Contemplatives in Action. Please read our statement as we hope to encourage the reader towards both contemplation and action.
Motivated by the integration of faith and justice, our programs and retreats offer formation and renewal to youth and adults, strengthen families, and build community in the Ignatian tradition.
The Best and Brightest
Inspiration from Ignatius
The Spiritual Exercises "have as their purpose the conquest of self and the regulation of one's life in such a way that no decision is made under the influence of any inordinate attachment." (in more modern terms - to develop the personal and spiritual maturity so that we make no decision out of fear, prejudice or indifference)
-Ignatius of Loyola
Inspiration from Oscar
Personal sin is at the base of the great social sin....How easy we find it to condemn structural injustice, institutional violence and social sin! All that is quite real, but where are the sources of that social sin? They are in the heart of every person. Modern-day society is an anonymous society in which nobody accepts blame. We are all sinners, and we have all contributed our grain of sand to this mountain of crimes in our country.
-Oscar Romero